Wednesday, May 28, 2008

trumpet of white light

so this is something i spat out.i feel odd about it so feedback would be awesome.weird.

trumpet of white light

on other things...i fully support bill henson and his latest/current work that WAS on show.all this media hoo haa about sex offenders and bullshit makes me sick and just confirms its not a sign of good health to be well adjusted to a sick society.and i can say that from the point of view of a sexual assault victim! i realise the media has latched onto it like shit to a stick but all these conversations i keep hearing on radio/public transport/various other media with people writing in about being worried with people like this in society etc... are just down right fucked in the head.have these people even stopped to think WHY these photos were taken? under WHAT circumstances the girl agreed to take part etc.for all they know it could be his best friends fucking isnt summer bay or ramsay street.if only this world didnt have a rose coloured tint over it.